Find and Replace

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This utility lets you find or replace a text recursively for all the files that a selected folder contains.


Find a text

In order to find a text, type the text you wish to search and the file types where you wish to search, and click over Find link.Then the text will be searched in all selected files. If Enter in all subfolders option is checked, all the files that the selected folders contain will be searched recursively. The results of the search will be displayed in the list on right side of the window. In this list is displayed the file path, the line number and the line where the text was found to. If you do double click over an element in the list, the file will be opened with associated application.

Replace a text

In order to replace a text with other text, type the text you wish to search, the text you wish to replace, and the file types where you wish to search, and click over Replace link. Then the text will be replaced in all selected files. If Enter in all subfolders option is checked, all the files that the selected folders contain will be replaced recursively. The results of the replacement will be displayed in the list on right side of the window. In this list is displayed the file path, the replaced line number, and the line where the text was replaced.

Also it is possible by replacing a text in specific lines of the found files in a previous search. In order to do this, when a search has finished, you must select the lines which you wish to replace and click over Replace selected lines only. When you do this, the text will be replaced in selected lines only.

Open and save the search results

After ending the searching or the replacing, the results are showed in a list. In this list is showed the file name, the line number, and the line text. It is possible save these results in a file by clicking over Save results link. In order to recover the results, you must click over Open results link.


You can use the following options:

·Match case. If checked, all the characters of the text must match exactly with case.
·Match whole word only. If checked, the text must be limited with blank spaces or separated characters.
·Use regular expressions. If checked, you will may use regular expressions for the search text.
·Enter in all subfolders. If checked, the search process will search recursively in all subfolders that the selected folders contain.
·Create backup in "fmt_bak" folder. If checked, previously to replace a file, the file will be copied to subfolder  named "fmt_bak". This subfolder will be in same folder that the file.


If you use an specific configuration many times, it is possible save all the configuration in profiles and later you may recover the configuration  quickly. The profiles are managed from the panel displayed in the bottom-left side of the window.

If you want to save the current configuration in a profile click over Save profile link. In the displayed dialog box you must specify the profile name; when you click over OK button, the profile will be add to the combo box which is showed in profiles panel. In order to load an existing profile, select it from the combo box and click over Load profile link. If you want to delete a profile, select it and click over Delete profile link.